The Oregon Invasive Species Council

About the Council

In 2001, the Oregon Legislature established the Oregon Invasive Species Council (“OISC” or “Council”) to conduct a comprehensive and coordinated effort to prevent, detect, control and eliminate invasive species harming the region’s economy, health, and natural resources. The Council’s governing statute also acknowledges the robust network of stakeholders that helps with the work of the Council: “The Invasive Species Council has a strong network of local, state, federal, tribal and private entities that actively and cooperatively combat the threat posed by harmful invasive species.” ORS 570.750(4). The responsibilities of the Council set forth in ORS 570.755 include:

  • Maintaining an invasive species reporting hotline

  • Educating the public about invasive species

  • Developing a statewide plan for invasive species

  • Providing a grant or loan program for eradication of invasive species

2025 Appointed Voting Members

Clint Nichols
Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District
(Representing an entity in Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, or Josephine Counties with the purpose of responding to invasive species concerns)
term expires 2026

Brian Clapp
Union County Weed Control
(Representing an entity in Gilliam, Hood River, Jefferson, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, or Wheeler Counties with the purpose of responding to invasive species concerns)
term expires 2025

Chuck Fisk
F5 Wildlife Control
(Representing an entity in Benton, Lane, Linn, Marion, or Polk Counties with the purpose of responding to invasive species concerns)
term expires 2025

Tim Butler
(Representing the public)
term expires 2025

(Representing an Organization or Association that advocates on behalf of private industry)
term expires 2025

Jared Kerr
Bengard Ranch
(Representing an entity in Baker, Crook, Deschutes, Grant, Harney, Klamath, Lake, or Malheur Counties with the purpose of responding to invasive species concerns)
term expires 2025

Annaliese Ramthun
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde
(Representing a Native American or Indian tribe or association of tribes)
term expires 2025

Michelle Delepine, Appointed Member Vice-Chair
West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District
(Representing an entity in Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington, or Yamhill Counties with the purpose of responding to invasive species concerns)
term expires 2025

(Representing an organization or association with the purpose of advocating environmental stewardship)
term expires 2026

Christer LaBrecque
Tillamook Estuaries Partnership
(Representing an entity in Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln, or Tillamook Counties with the purpose of responding to invasive species concerns)
term expires 2024

Ex Officio Voting Members

Laurel Hillmann
Oregon Parks & Recreation

Keith DeHart
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife

Chris Benemann, Vice-Chair
Oregon Department of Agriculture

Sam Chan, PhD, Past Chair
Oregon State University - Sea Grant

Glenn Dolphin
Oregon State Marine Board

Josh Emerson, Chair
Department of Environmental Quality

Catherine de Rivera, PhD
Portland State University Center for Lakes & Reservoirs

Wyatt Williams, PhD
Oregon Department of Forestry

Ex Officio Non-Voting Members

Grace Haskins, Bureau of Land Management

Vacant, Bureau of Reclamation

Mariah Davis, USDA APHIS PPQ

Karen Ripley, USDA Forest Service

Crystal Durbecq, USDA Forest Service

Nicole Brooks, Customs & Border Protection

Brendan White, US Fish & Wildlife Service

Oregon State Representative: Vacant

Oregon State Senator: Vacant

Governor’s Office: Geoff Huntington

Oregon Invasive Species Council Coordinator

Robyn Draheim, Samara Group

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