Emergency Control Account

Established in 2010, the Oregon Invasive Species Control Account (Emergency Control Account) can be administered for the eradication or control of new or expanding infestations of invasive species that threaten the health and integrity of Oregon’s native flora and fauna.

Eligible recipients of Emergency Control Account funds include a person, state or local government, unit of state or local government, a tribe, or a unit of the federal government. In order to receive funds, a written request for the Council to declare an Invasive Species Emergency must be submitted. The written request must meet the eligibility requirements, as defined in Oregon Administrative Rules 609-010-0100 – 609-010-0140.

Apply For Funds

Please download the Application Guide for information on how to submit a request to the OISC for consideration

Application & Budget Justification Guide (doc)

Online Application Portal


Learn More about Emergency Control Account Projects