Mid-Willamette Field Tour:
July 16th

Hosted by the Oregon Invasive Species Council, the Oregon Department of Agriculture and Oregon Parks and Recreation

July 16th, 2025 | 10 am - 12 noon
Willamette Mission State Park | Keizer, OR

This event, hosted by the Oregon Invasive Species Council, aims to highlight the critical work being done along the mid-Willamette River to prevent and manage invasive aquatic plants and other priority weed species and identify future challenges. The tour will showcase three Oregon Lottery-funded grant projects, giving participants a firsthand look at key projects and partnerships along the Willamette River, tackling aquatic weeds and the negative impacts they can have on water quality and water users, from irrigators to recreators. This event will spotlight the work being done along the mid-Willamette by Benton County Soil and Water Conservation District, Yamhill County Soil and Water Conservation District, Willamette Riverkeeper, and more.  

Participants will receive an overview of how invasive species management plays a crucial role in protecting investments in the Willamette Valley and how, without public-private partnerships, outreach efforts, and concerned Oregonians, invasive weeds can rapidly overwhelm the many uses of the Willamette River. Over the course of the field tour, participants will learn about the importance of coalition building across multiple jurisdictions for successful invasive species prevention, planning, and capacity building, what is at risk if these efforts aren’t undertaken, and the successes and challenges facing invasive species management in the mid-Willamette. Participants will have the unique opportunity to hear from and interact with experts in the field as well as with entities whose investments, livelihoods, and culture are impacted or threatened by invasive species.

The event aims to:

  • Showcase the productive partnerships and diversified collaborations that are actively addressing the threats posed by aquatic weeds to the local ecology, economy, and cultural resources thanks to Oregon Lottery project funding distributed by OWEB and ODA.

  • Provide a platform for discussing other projects and efforts related to aquatic weed prevention, control, and mitigation in the Willamette.

  • Highlight the impacts that invasive aquatic weeds have on the riverscape and our communities. Featured species will include water primrose, knotweed, yellow loosestrife, and more.

  • Discuss potential new threats that may arrive via vectors such as the ornamental plant and aquarium trade and recreational boaters.

  • Identify and discuss the challenges and future needs for invasive species management in the mid-Willamette and throughout the basin.

This event's target audience includes members of local media organizations, elected officials and other decision-makers, and local stakeholders and water users. The tour will feature brief presentations of ongoing projects and prevention efforts along the route, including a walking tour of invasive aquatic weed efforts in Willamette Mission State Park and a question-and-answer session with project leaders and state agencies involved in invasive species management. An optional boat tour of nearby project areas on the Willamette is also in the planning stages.

While we are still finessing the event details, you may register your interest in attending the event using the link below, and we will update you when the event agenda details have been finalized.