Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States Forest Sector

Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States Forest Sector (2021)

This open access book describes the serious threat of invasive species to native ecosystems. Invasive species have caused and will continue to cause enormous ecological and economic damage with ever increasing world trade. This multi-disciplinary book, written by over 100 national experts, presents the latest research on a wide range of natural science and social science fields that explore the ecology, impacts, and practical tools for management of invasive species. It covers species of all taxonomic groups from insects and pathogens, to plants, vertebrates, and aquatic organisms that impact a diversity of habitats in forests, rangelands and grasslands of the United States. It is well-illustrated, provides summaries of the most important invasive species and issues impacting all regions of the country, and includes a comprehensive primary reference list for each topic. This scientific synthesis provides the cultural, economic, scientific and social context for addressing environmental challenges posed by invasive species and will be a valuable resource for scholars, policy makers, natural resource managers and practitioners.

Society of American Foresters Western Forester: Invasives (2020)

April/May/June 2020 Society of American Foresters Western Forester: Invasives (Vol. 65, Number 2)

The Western Forester is a publication prepared approximately quarterly for members of the Society of American Foresters and non-industrial private forest landowners in the Pacific NW (AK, WA, ID, western MT, OR, northern CA).

Emerging Insect Pests Webinar (2019)

Emerging Insect Pests Webinar

Threats to Oregon’s Agriculture, Forests, and Plant Trade

In January of 2019, the Oregon Invasive Species Council hosted a free webinar on the emerging insect pests of Oregon that are threatening the local environment and economy. Forest and agricultural pests constantly put Oregon’s industries at risk of lost profit, costly projects, and quarantines. The purpose of this webinar was to share information about key emerging invasive insect threats that could cause significant, lasting impacts to the state. Listeners learned about the current status of these insects in Oregon, how they get here, efforts to address the issues, and what people can do to stop the introduction or spread. There were short presentations from the following experts in the field:

“The Pressing Threat of Japanese Beetle to Oregon’s Nursery and Specialty Crop Growers”
Chris Hedstrom, Oregon Department of Agriculture

“Gypsy Moth: A Devastating Pest of Trees and Shrubs”
Wyatt Williams, Oregon Department of Forestry & Chris Hedstrom, Oregon Department of Agriculture

“Stay on the Look Out for Spotted Lanternfly”
Meg Raabe, USDA-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service-Plant Protection Quarantine (Presented by Chris Hedstrom due to lapse in federal funding)

“One of the Most Destructive Wood-Boring Pests: Emerald Ash Borer”
Wyatt Williams, Oregon Department of Forestry

If you’d like to learn more about this issue, see our Webinar Q&A Sheet for questions answered during and after the webinar.

Want to connect with our experts about the issues discussed in this webinar? Find their contact information below.

Chris Hedstrom, Oregon Department of Agriculture:

Wyatt Williams, Oregon Department of Forestry: