Congratulations to the Gorse Action Group!
/Earlier this week, the Gorse Action Group (GAG) signed a Declaration of Cooperation (DOC) to address the issue of controlling ---and eradicating--- Gorse. This noxious weed introduced to Bandon in the 1890s rapidly invades land, creating a very thorny problem for parks, roadsides, ranches, farms, and forests. It is also highly flammable and one of the most difficult weeds to manage in the world. This is a serious issue for the vitality of the South Coast, and anywhere else that Gorse spreads!
Join the fight against Gorse - check out the website for more information.
Mary Schamehorn, Mayor of Bandon, seen signing the DOC.
Jim Seeley, Executive Director of the Wild Rivers Coast Alliance and Co-convener of the Oregon Solutions Gorse Project, seen signing the DOC.