Call for 2019 Oregon Invasive Species Council Nominations

The Oregon Invasive Species Council (OISC) is seeking nominations for 5 at-large member seats to serve a 2-year term from 2019-2020. Could you, or someone you know, be a good addition to the Council? Send us your nominations by November 8, 2018!

Many state, federal, and tribal governments, as well as local government agencies and non-governmental organizations, play a role in managing invasive species. In order to successfully protect Oregon from invasive species, the OISC recognizes the need for participation between a wide range of fields and expertise.

Strong nominees will have expertise in one or more of the following areas: environmental law; marine and estuary ecology; aquaculture, horticulture; weed control; small woodlands; parks and recreation; environmental or outdoor education; K-12 education; pet trade; regional industry or representation; and seed or nursery industry. The council is particularly interested in representation outside the Willamette Valley including Coastal, Eastern, Southern, or Central Oregon. Nominees should be willing and able to serve for two years.

For more details on how to submit a nomination, check out the official 2019 OISC Nomination Press Release.