Winter 2018 OISC Meeting

The winter OISC meeting took place in Salem, OR this week on February 20 & 21, 2018 and covered a wide range of invasive species topics. In case you were unable to join us, here is a short recap of what was discussed during the Council meeting:

Day 1- Council Meeting Highlights

New Council Member Introductions

  • Kristopher Crowley, Burns Paiute Tribe

  • Dave Pranger, Morrow County

  • Karen Ripley, US Forest Service

Council Operations

Samara Group will continue coordinating the OISC through 2018. A new contract has been signed between Oregon Department of Agriculture and Samara Group as OISC Coordinator.

Western Governor’s Association Survey

Council members will provide input on the Western Governor’s Association’s invasive species survey, OISC Coordinator will compile and redistribute to Council for review before sending to WGA.

Oregon’s Report Card

In lieu of the 2015-2017 Report Card, the Council will produce an Biennium Report that outlines OISC accomplishments as well as successes and challenges for the state of Oregon.

2019 Legislative Concept

  • Pending additional discussion, the Council will move forward with a legislative concept request through Oregon Department of Agriculture for changes to Statute ORS 570, which will consist of slight changes to the Council’s structure.

  • The Council supports the development of 2 Policy Option Packages (POPs) for Council operations and replenishing the Invasive Species Emergency Control Account.

Coordinator Update

  • Jalene Littlejohn presented updates on recent meetings: Government to Government meeting, Gorse Action Group / Sudden Oak Death collaboration, The Wildlife Society meeting

  • New quarterly newsletter for Invasive species network in the works

  • New connections made with contacts at the Oregon Coast Visitors Association and Adventure Scientists Program

  • OISC website has been updated since last Council meeting

  • OISC Social media and website numbers are improving


Day 2- Information Forum Highlights

Sarah Navarro, a Forest Pathologist at the Oregon Department of Forestry, discussing Sudden Oak Death in Oregon. 

Sarah Navarro, a Forest Pathologist at the Oregon Department of Forestry, discussing Sudden Oak Death in Oregon. 

Rick Boatner, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife's Invasive Species/Wildlife Integrity Coordinator, talking about intercepting boats with invasvie mussels at check stations.   

Rick Boatner, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife's Invasive Species/Wildlife Integrity Coordinator, talking about intercepting boats with invasvie mussels at check stations. 

Solve Pest Problems- Online Information Development (View PDF)

Weston Miller
Associate Professor Consumer Horticulture
Oregon State University- Extension

Gorse Action Group- Next steps following Oregon Solutions Project

Carri Pirosko
Integrated Weed Management Coordinator
Oregon Department of Agriculture

Sudden Oak Death (View PDF)

Sarah Navarro
Forest Pathologist
Oregon Department of Forestry

Oregon’s Invasive Species Hotline & iMapInvasives Update (View PDF)

Lindsey Wise
Oregon iMapInvasives Data Administrator
Institute for Natural Resources

Clean, Drain, Dry: Campaign for Non-Motorized Boaters

Marci Krass
Restoration Coordinator
Willamette Aquatic Invasives Network

Japanese Beetle Eradication Project: 2018 Update (View PDF)

Clint Burfitt
Insect Pest Prevention & Management Program Manager
Oregon Department of Agriculture

Don’t Pack a Pest: Phase II Outreach Campaign (View PDF)

Jalene Littlejohn
OISC Coordinator
Samara Group

Nicole Brooks
Agriculture Specialist
Customs & Border Protection

Emerald Ash Borer- Oregon’s Readiness & Response Plan (View PDF)

Wyatt Williams
Invasive Species Specialist
Oregon Department of Forestry

2017 Late Season Mussel Detections- Expanded Inspection Station Hours (View PDF)

Rick Boatner
Invasive Species/Wildlife Integrity Coordinator
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife

Here’s to another successful Council Meeting!

We hope to see you at our next meeting June 19 & 20, 2018 on the South Coast. More details will be available soon on the OISC meetings page.


*Note: The views and opinions expressed in the attached file(s) or link(s) above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Oregon Invasive Species Council. Please contact the author directly if you have any questions regarding the content.