The Oregon Invasive Species Council seeks nominations for five council seats

For Immediate Release
Glenn Dolphin | 2023 Oregon Invasive Species Council Chair | 
Robyn Draheim | OISC Coordinator | |

The Oregon Invasive Species Council (OISC) is seeking nominations for five appointed member seats to serve a 2-year term January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2025. Could you, or someone you know, be a good addition to the OISC? Send in a nomination by October 6, 2023. 

Invasive species have the potential to devastate Oregon’s infrastructure, economy, and natural resources that Oregonians hold dear. The Oregon Invasive Species Council (OISC) acts as a catalyst for the collaborative effort to protect Oregon from invasive species across the network of its members, including state and public agencies, tribes, researchers, land managers, industry leaders, educators, and members of the public. Strong council member nominees will have experience or expertise that relates to invasive species prevention or control and/or specialize in a related area of interest. The Council is seeking the appointment of five members representing the following categories for 2-year term positions that conclude December 31, 2025: 

  • A member who represents an entity, regardless of the form of the entity, with a headquarters or principal operations in Baker, Crook, Deschutes, Grant, Harney, Klamath, Lake, or Malheur Counties with the purpose of responding to invasive species concerns.

  • A member who represents an entity, regardless of the form of the entity, with a headquarters or principal operations in Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington, or Yamhill Counties with the purpose of responding to invasive species concerns.

  • A member who represents a Native American or Indian Tribe or association of Tribes.

  • A member who represents an Organization or Association that advocates on behalf of private industry.

  • A member who represents the public.

Council members’ primary role is to support the advancement of Oregon’s Statewide Strategic Plan for Invasive Species. Members benefit from multi-agency communication and collaboration that the OISC provides through meetings, committees, events, and communication. Council members are expected to participate in 4-6 meetings per year depending on the format (in person or by teleconference), multi-day meetings may be possible twice a year. Council members are allowed to designate an alternate if they are unable to attend a meeting. Council members are not paid, but may be reimbursed for travel expenses associated with attending Council meetings. 

Additionally, Council members are required to serve on at least one committee and support communication with and/or convening other interested groups to contribute to Council activities. Membership is limited to two consecutive two-year terms. 

The deadline to submit nominations is October 6, 2023. Fill out the nomination form online here: 

Complete nominations must include submission of the following information: 

1. The individual’s name, title, phone, email, and mailing address (self nominations are accepted), and the member seat(s) of interest. 

2. A brief description of the nominee’s qualifications. 

3. A statement from the nominee that explains their interest, relative experience, and contributions they are willing to make to the Council. 

4. Letters of support for the nominee are highly encouraged. 

The Council will notify appointees in November, 2023  and welcome the new appointee at the first OISC Council meeting in 2024 (date and location to be determined).