Western Governors Support Stop the Spread of Invasive Mussels Act

In a recent blog post on Western Governors’ Association (WGA) website, Western Governors support for the bipartisan Stop the Spread of Invasive Mussels Act of 2019 is highlighted. Introduced by Senator Michael Bennet and Senator Steve Daines, S. 2975 would enable state and federal agencies to more effectively prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance Species (ANS) in the west.

Jim Ogsbury, Executive Director of the Western Governors’ Association, had this to say about the Stop the Spread of Invasive Mussels Act: “Containing the spread of invasive quagga and zebra mussels is a high priority for western states and we appreciate Senator Bennet’s, Senator Daines’s, and Senator Tester’s bipartisan leadership in enabling state and federal agencies to more effectively combat the spread of invasive mussels. Every year, these invaders cause substantial damage to water delivery systems, hydroelectric facilities, agriculture, recreational boating and fishing, and native wildlife.”

To learn more, the full WGA blog post can be found here.